- Al- KHIRAN CITY is a new Kuwaity city near the boarder of IRAQ, with an approximate area of 145km2; it contains private and public housing, university, poly-techniques, schools for different ages and genders, hospitals, social clubs, a leisure zone, Governmental Agencies, an industrial zone and complete and sophisticated infrastructures.
Al - Khiran City In Kuwait
Project Details
Project Management & Quality Assurance Services'
- As an associate to the consulting firm performing the Master Planning our company’s role was managing the different activities with the different consortium team members deliver the following studies in a period of 24 months.
- Data Collection and review.
- Site Analysis.
- Soil Investigation.
- Environmental Studies.
- Market Survey.
- Master Plan (zone & use plan).
- Cost Estimating of the Project Infrastructure.
- Time Schedule for the execution of work phases.
- Investors’ Guide.
- Marketing Plan.
- Economic and Financial studies of the project.
- Customs Regime.
- Developing the Tender Documents for the different infrastructures for the project
- As an associate to the consulting firm performing the Master Planning our company’s role was managing the different activities with the different consortium team members deliver the following studies in a period of 24 months.