The recent difficulties surrounding project financing have demonstrated the need for one party to provide the lender of equity investor with clear and objective advice on all aspects of the development process.
The early involvement of that party ensures a seamless joint between the terms of the loan agreement, the construction contract, consultants appointments and warranties.
Our company EPM is a leading local consulting firm providing the Middle East with a range of project management services and is committed to providing these services to the satisfaction of the clients.
- Funders and financial institutions providing project finance.
- Owner & occupiers acquiring new properties.
- Developers considering the purchase of property or sites.
The Services we provide are tailored to individual client requirements: it may include either or both initial appraisals and ongoing monitoring; the details of each are as follows:
Initial appraisal:
Understanding the project risks is as essential part of the decision to make for loan availability. Our initial appraisal reviews the project and the processes in place to include:-
- Review of the project budget.
- Analysis of the project risks and proposals for their management.
- Examination of the procurement documentation for the design and construction of the project and advice on its suitability and adequacy.
- Review of the procurement strategy and advice on its suitability.
- Review and report on the suitability of the consultants and their appointments.
- Comment of site constraints including geotechnical and environmental conditions.
- Comment of the availability and proposals for infrastructure.
- Comment on design proposals including specifications.
- Review the control procedures and their adequacy for the project.
- Comment on planning, building regulations and other statutory consents.
- Advice on warranties and insurances.
Ongoing Monitoring (Monthly reports):
During construction or the project implementation phase we provide comprehensive progress reporting, these reports may include:-
- Reviewing actual progress against program and reporting on possible delays.
- Update on planning and statutory consents as appropriate.
- Overview of performance of the developer, consultants and contractor for compliance with their respective obligations and duties.
- Review of the project expenditure and projected cash flows.
- Any factors affecting or likely to affect the project due to overrun or delays, reporting on proposals to mitigate delays and costs arising from such factors.
- Recommend on the drawdown of funds against the value of work completed.
- Monitor and report on other costs such as professional fees, changes and variations for the development costs.